Saturday, July 20, 2013

Chance Encouter

First of all - My blog has reached over 500 views! Thank you everyone :D

I've recently caught up with the Naruto manga so I did some fan art of Sasuke and Sakura. (I ship sasusaku)

Detail shot:

Saturday, July 13, 2013


So I fell behind on my 30 day challenge by quite a few days. For now I'm just going to go back to drawing just whatever when I feel like it (which will hopefully be everyday).

For now I leave you with this drawing I did of Sakura from Naruto. Finally started reading that series again a couple weeks  ago and I needed to fan art.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge Day 11: A Place

First of all, my blog has hit 300 views, thank you!!!! :D
Perspective is sooooo not my thing. Regardless I had fun drawing this silly little house (and the gnomes)